Review of 'While No One Was Watching' Appears in The Copperfield Review

My review of 'While No One Was Watching' (which I referred to in my post of 5 June 2014) has been published in The Copperfield Review.  Hurray!  Many more cheers, though, for Debz Hobbs-Wyatt for writing the book.  (I just did the easy part.) Imo, writing reviews of other writers' work is a win-win for... Continue Reading →

It's Been a Long Time…

If you're going to blog, you're supposed to do so briefly and regularly, but over the last few weeks I haven't - not even the smallest post.  Am I about to give up?  Is this blog about to drift into oblivion?  No, Dear Reader, no.  Also, shouldn't writers write every day?  Yes, Dear Reader, yes. ... Continue Reading →

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